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Vielseitige Essenszubereitung mit dem Braun MultiQuick System

Braun MultiQuick System

Entdecken Sie Produkte der Nummer 1 Marke für Stabmixer.

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Multifunktionale Kontaktgrills

Entdecke dein Multitalent: vom saftigen Steak bis zu fluffigen Pancakes.

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Mutter und Tocher backen Quieche mit dem Braun Multifunktionalem Kontaktgrill




Air Fryer

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Braun PurEase Kaffeemaschine in schwarz


Intuitives Design. Einladendes Aroma.

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Mann bügelt mich einer Braun Dampfbügelstation


Top-Ergebnisse schneller und einfacher.

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Mann bügelt mit Braun Dampfbügelstation

Braun Dampfbügelstationen

Jetzt alle CareStyle Dampfbügelstationen 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!*

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Braun Dampfbügeleisen

Braun Dampfbügeleisen

Jetzt ausgewählte Braun Dampfbügeleisen 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!*

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Braun Dampfglätter

Braun Dampfglätter

Jetzt alle unsere Braun Dampfglätter 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!

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Braun Testsieger PowerBlend 9, CareStyle 7 Dampfbügeleisen und PurShine Kaffeemaschiene.


So sehen Testsieger aus. Sagt auch Stiftung Warentest.

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Braun Hand blender Zubehör

Stabmixer Zubehör

Zubehör erweitert Ihre Möglichkeiten.

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Frische Karotten


Einfache Tricks zur Vermeidung von Lebensmittelverschwendung.

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Mann in schwarzem T-Shirt rasiert sich den Bartansatz am Hals.

Mehr Produkte von Braun.

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What tools

Your garment care cheat sheet.

Your garment care cheat sheet

Why is garment care so important?

Proper garment care is about more than just maintaining a polished appearance. It plays a vital role in protecting the environment, extending the life of our clothes and ensuring they always look their best. Instead of disposing of clothes prematurely, proper care can extend their wearability and save money and resources. Regular care ensures that our favorite pieces stay in great condition, free from damage and discoloration.

All the tools you need for proper care

The right tools are essential for effective garment care.

Quality iron

A good iron can make a significant difference in maintaining your clothes. Consider investing in a Braun Household Steam iron or Steam generator iron that features temperature control and precision to ensure optimal care for different fabrics.

Quality iron

Sewing kit

A basic sewing kit with needles, coloured thread, scissors and buttons can help you repair minor damage at home and prolong the life of your clothes.

Sewing kit

Good quality hangers

Using well-made, sturdy hangers will prevent your clothes from getting out of shape. Consider padded hangers for fragile items or wooden hangers for heavier garments such as jackets.

Good quality hangers

Wash bags

Mesh laundry bags can protect delicate items during washing and extend their life.

Wash bags

Our checklist for proper maintenance:


1.Sorting before washing:

Sorting not only by colour but also by fabric type and washing instructions can significantly extend the lifespan of your garments.

2. Not overloading the washing machine:

Overloading can cause more wear and tear on your clothes during the wash cycle.

3. Proper storage:

Clothes should be either folded or hung properly to prevent them from stretching, tearing, or getting creased.

4. Seasonal care:

Each season might require different care for your garments. For example, using mothballs or cedarwood for wool in the winter, or airing out clothes in the spring.

5. Rotating your clothing:

Regular rotation prevents the same clothes from wearing out quickly.

Do you know the Symbol for no tumble drying?

With so many different types of fabrics it is not always easy to know how to treat them properly. Luckily most of our clothes come with a sewn-in user manual: the label.
If you know what all the symbols on it stand for, you are on the safe side. So here‘s a reminder of all the symbols and their meaning – they might come in handy on your next laundry day.

You have read the symbol but are still unsure of how to iron your item? Play it safe and try Braun‘s smart iCare or Eco Mode – for all kinds of ironable fabrics. Regardless of the length of time spent ironing, your ironing needs or the garment – iCare Technology and Eco Mode will make your ironing experience quicker and easier. Smart iCare mode protects your clothes with a safe temperature for all kinds of ironable fabrics – for smart textile protection and no time wasted on heating up or cooling down.

Common stains and how to remove them.


Baking powder and white vinegar work wonders. Make a paste, leave for 15 minutes, then wash as normal.



Dab (not rub) with a cloth to absorb as much of the wine as possible. For stains on white fabrics, apply hydrogen peroxide, then wash at the hottest temperature safe for the fabric. But be careful: hydrogen peroxide tends to bleach darker fabrics, which is why it is only recommended for white fabrics.



Using well-made, sturdy hangers will prevent your clothes from getting out of shape. Consider padded hangers for fragile items or wooden hangers for heavier garments such as jackets.



Apply a paste made of baking soda and water and rub it in. Then wash at the hottest temperature safe for the fabric.


Coffee or tea

Wash quickly with a stain remover. Apply a little rubbing alcohol and rinse with water.

Coffee or tea


Water and dish soap are enough. Just rub and wash until the stain is gone.


Did you know…

…how to stretch shrunk textiles?

No need to worry if your jumper has shrunk in the wash. Try this: first soak the textile in water with conditioner for about half an hour, then put it on a towel. Stretch out carefully to its original size and let dry. The process can be repeated, if the clothing does not come back to its original shape after the first try. This trick works well for knitwear made from wool, cotton or cashmere.

How to stretch shrunk textiles
Braun’s CareStyle range

Braun’s CareStyle range

Discover our complete range of Steam generator irons

Learn more

Different fabrics, Different needs

Understanding the unique characteristics of different fabrics is essential when it comes to caring for our clothes sustainably. Here are some common types.

Different fabrics, Different needs

Sustainable Energy Use

Did you know that there are many ways to optimize energy consumption when caring for and washing your clothes? We have put together a few tips and tricks for you here.

Sustainable Energy Use

Perfect Ironing Job

Do you know how to be as fast as possible, with minimum effort and still achieve impeccable results?

Perfect Ironing Job

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