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Vielseitige Essenszubereitung mit dem Braun MultiQuick System

Braun MultiQuick System

Entdecken Sie Produkte der Nummer 1 Marke für Stabmixer.

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Multifunktionale Kontaktgrills

Entdecke dein Multitalent: vom saftigen Steak bis zu fluffigen Pancakes.

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Mutter und Tocher backen Quieche mit dem Braun Multifunktionalem Kontaktgrill




Air Fryer

Entdecke den ultimativen Komfort.

Braun PurEase Kaffeemaschine in schwarz


Intuitives Design. Einladendes Aroma.

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Mann bügelt mich einer Braun Dampfbügelstation


Top-Ergebnisse schneller und einfacher.

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Mann bügelt mit Braun Dampfbügelstation

Braun Dampfbügelstationen

Jetzt alle CareStyle Dampfbügelstationen 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!*

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Braun Dampfbügeleisen

Braun Dampfbügeleisen

Jetzt ausgewählte Braun Dampfbügeleisen 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!*

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Braun Dampfglätter

Braun Dampfglätter

Jetzt alle unsere Braun Dampfglätter 60 Tage ohne Risiko testen!

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Braun Testsieger PowerBlend 9, CareStyle 7 Dampfbügeleisen und PurShine Kaffeemaschiene.


So sehen Testsieger aus. Sagt auch Stiftung Warentest.

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Braun Hand blender Zubehör

Stabmixer Zubehör

Zubehör erweitert Ihre Möglichkeiten.

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Leichte und leckere Rezepte von Braun.

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5 Zeichen für perfektes Bügeln.

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Frische Karotten


Einfache Tricks zur Vermeidung von Lebensmittelverschwendung.

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Mann in schwarzem T-Shirt rasiert sich den Bartansatz am Hals.

Mehr Produkte von Braun.

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Der bewusste Typ


Die Ernährung spielt für den bewussten Typ eine bedeutende Rolle.

Zu einem gesunden Start in den Tag gehört daher ein ausgewogenes Frühstück. Die Frühstücksauswahl reicht vom Overnight Porridge bis zum Joghurt mit Beeren, wobei sich Genuss und Zeitaufwand die Waage halten. Entdecken Sie aufregende neue Rezepte, die Ihr Frühstücksritual aufpeppen.



Coffee and banana with cinnamon and walnuts

Serves 2
Preparation time: 10 min

  • 2 bananas
  • 1 cup coffee (strong)
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 4 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp walnuts
  • 200 ml almond milk
  • 300 g natural yoghurt
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 handful of ice cubes

  1. Peel and slice the bananas.
  2. Get some freshly brewed coffee using the 1 cup setting of the Braun ID Breakfast Collection for optimal aroma and let it cool down for a bit.
  3. Place the bananas together with all the other ingredients into a Jug Blender (f.e. PowerBlend 7 Jug blender JB 7192 BL) and secure the lid. Blend everything to a smooth pure.
  4. Take your smoothie right away. Enjoy!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Slice and freeze bananas.

Simply freeze it

To save bananas that tend to turn brown, slice and freeze them. You can then take them out of the freezer on demand and use them frozen for smoothies instead of both fruit and ice cubes.


Exotic energy boost

Serves 4
Preparation time: 10 min

  • 300 g white grapes
  • 450 g baby spinach
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 350 ml green tea
  • 2 teaspoons of honey or maple syrup

  1. Start your day with a healthy energy booster! Heat 350 ml of mineral water in the Braun ID Breakfast Collection Water kettle to 70 °C and add 1 green teabag. Leave to infuse for 5 minutes and strain. Chill in the refrigerator (Tip: at best overnight).
  2. Simply attach Braun’s MQ 40 chopper/blender accessory to a suitable hand blender. Due to the EasyClick design, changing attachments is as easy as one simple click. Blend all ingredients - except for the rosemary sticks - until smooth.
  3. Pass the liquid mixture through a fine sieve into tall glasses and serve.                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Avoid avocados with soft spots

Know when the Avocado is ripe

Avoid avocados with soft spots or flat areas on the outside. If the avocado is firm and well-shaped, it is usually a sign that the fruit is good on the inside.


Sweet potato toast with green pea cream, poached egg and bacon crumbs

Serves 4
Preparation time: 25 min

  • 1 large sweet potato
  • 300g green peas (frozen)
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp. cream cheese
  • 4 medium eggs
  • 2 tbsp. white wine vinegar
  • 60g feta cheese
  • 4 strips crispy fried bacon
  • Salt
  • Pepper

  1. First blanch the peas for about 1 minute in boiling water, then cool down in ice-cold water so that they retain their beautiful colour. Let drain and set aside.
  2. Now add the lemon juice, cream cheese, salt and pepper to the peas and finely purée with Braun’s MQ 9 hand blender.
  3. Wash the sweet potato and cut vertically into slices of 0,5 centimetres. Set Braun’s ID Breakfast Collection Toaster HT 5015 to the highest level and toast the sweet potato slices for approximately 5 minutes, or until they are done.
  4. For the poached egg, bring one litre of water with vinegar to a boil in a large pot, then reduce the temperature to the lowest level.
  5. Crack one egg into a small cup. Create a whirl in the water by stirring with a wooden spoon and swiftly let the egg slide into the centre. Poach for three to four minutes, then carefully lift it out of the water and season with salt. Proceed in the same way with the other eggs.
  6. To serve, first spread the potato slices with green pea cream, place a poached egg on each, then sprinkle with feta and bacon crumbs.



Vegan sandwich

Serves 4
Preparation time: 30 min
Cooking: 20 min

  • 2 courgettes
  • 2 aubergines
  • 2 large tomatoes (e.g. Coeur de Boeuf (beef tomato))
  • 250g tofu
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Olive oil
  • A few basil leaves, for decoration

  1. Cut the tofu, tomatoes, zucchini and aubergines into slices approx. 0.5 cm thick. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. To prepare the sandwiches, stack either aubergine or zucchini slices alternately with tomatoes and tofu and very lightly brush the outer side of the sandwiches with some olive oil.
  3. Place the sandwiches one after the other in the anti-leakage sandwich cage from Braun’s ID Breakfast Collection Toaster HT 5015, put it in the toaster and press the sandwich button. Serve directly.                                                           



Strawberry beetroot and lime juice

Serves 1-2
Preparation time: 3 min

  • 20 strawberries
  • 1 medium peeled beetroot
  • The juice of 1 lime

  1. Put strawberries and beetroot into the Braun PurEase Spin Juicer SJ 3100.
  2. Add the juice of 1 lime and activate the juicer.
  3. Pour the fresh juice into a glass, the foam separator and stainless-steel micro-mesh sieve will ensure pure and clear juice.
  4. Enjoy!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            



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