Young couple in kitchen preparing strawberry smoothie with Braun MultiQuick 9 Hand blender

Hand blenders

Perfect blending results

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Young couple in kitchen preparing strawberry smoothie with Braun MultiQuick 9 Hand blender

Hand blenders

Perfect blending results

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Braun Hand blender attachments

Hand blender attachments

Experience the versatility.

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Mother and daughter are baking. Mum is mixing the dough with a Braun MultiMix HM5137WH

Hand mixers

Bring out the joy of cooking and baking.

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Woman preparing a mixed friut juice with Braun PowerBlend 9 Jug blender.

Jug blenders

Blend sauces, icy drinks & more.

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Woman in kitchen preparing a red berry smoothie with Braun PurEase Food processor.

Food processors

Compact. Intelligent. Strong. Unmistakably Braun.

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Braun Identity Collection Food steamer FS 5100 White on a ktchen desk next to a plate with fish and vegetables.

Food steamer

Purely what you need for healthy cooking. Fast and convenient.

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Mother and daughter prepare a quiche at the table.

Multifunctional contact grills

All in one. Perfectly grilled meat and much more.

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Mother and daughter prepare a quiche at the table.

Multifunctional contact grills

All in one. Perfectly grilled meat and much more.

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Braun Snack maker

Snack Maker

All your favorite snacks in a snap.

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Woman takes a cup of coffee from the Braun MultiServe Coffee machine

Coffee makers

Intuitive design. Inviting aroma

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Woman takes a cup of coffee from the Braun MultiServe Coffee machine

Coffee makers

Intuitive design. Inviting aroma

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Braun WK_5115 Water kettle

Water kettles

Fast and reliable with a unique design.

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Woman preparing a fresh orange juice with Braun CitrusQuick 5 Citrus juicers.

Citrus juicers

Fresh juice made fast & easy.

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A tasty, toasty start to your day.


A tasty, toasty start to your day.

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Man preparing a green smoothie with Braun IdentityCollection Spin juicer

Spin juicers

Make the most out of your fruits.

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Braun PurEase Collection, the whole range of Products

PurEase Collection

Breakfast made beautifully. Morning made simple.

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Braun PurShine Collection, the whole range of Products

PurShine Collection

Brighten up your morning.

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Braun ID Breakfast Collection, the whole range of Products

ID Breakfast Collection

Start the day your way. Breakfast made just the way you like it.

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Braun Breakfast Series 1 Collection, the whole range of Products

Breakfast Series 1

Just what you need. Start your day off right.

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Braun Steam generator irons

Steam generator irons

Top results faster & easier.

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Braun Steam generator irons

Steam generator irons

Top results faster & easier.

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Braun Steam irons

Steam irons

Flawless ironing quick & easy.

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Sustainability: Good design is long-lasting.

Sustainability at Braun

Good design is long-lasting.

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Sustainability: Good design is long-lasting.

Sustainability at Braun

Good design is long-lasting.

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Hand blender attachments & accessories

Experience the versatility.

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Sanitization function of all Braun steam irons adn steam generating irons

Sanitization funcion

Kills more than 99.99% of viruses and bacteria¹

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Recipes with Braun Household

Recipe collection

Fun and simple recipes from Braun.

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Woman in the kitchen working with the Braun MultiQuick hand blender 9 and preparing food with the Fodd processor attachment. The full range of attachments is on the kitchen table.

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Braun Hrvatska d.o.o. – Zagrebačka avenija 104d, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska - Croatia, Tel: +385 (0)1 64 06 251, Fax: +385 (0)1 64 06 254, E-mail:,

Dostop do te spletne strani pomeni sprejemanje naslednjih pogojev:

Če ni navedeno drugače, so besedila, grafike, slike ali avdiovizualno gradivo na tej spletni strani avtorsko zaščiteni s strani Braun SpA ali skupine podjetij Braun. Zgoraj omenjeno se ne sme uporabljati brez lastnikovega predhodnega pisnega soglasja.

Če ni navedeno drugače, so blagovne znamke ali logotipi, prikazani na tej spletni strani, v lasti Braun SpA ali skupine podjetij Braun. Zgoraj omenjeno se ne smejo uporabljati brez lastnikovega predhodnega pisnega soglasja.


Braun SpA bo po svojih najboljših močeh zagotovil točne, najnovejše podatke, vključno vendar ne omejeno na finančne podatke, priporočila, storitve itd., na spletni strani, zato si pridržuje pravico do sprememb in/ali posodobitev vsebine spletne strani kadar koli, brez predhodnega obvestila.

Braun SpA ne more zagotoviti in zato ne prevzema nobene odgovornosti ali jamstva kakršne koli vrste, eksplicitno ali implicitnoza pravilnost, natančnost, izčrpnost in/ali primernost za prodajo ali določen namen informacij na spletni strani in/ali katerih koli izdelkov, opisanih ali spodbujanih na spletni strani, prav tako ne prevzema jamstva v zvezi s kršitvijo kakih patentov, avtorskih pravic ali drugih pravic tretjih oseb. Braun SpA ni odgovoren za kakršno koli, bodisi neposredno bodisi posredno, škodo ali poškodbo, ne glede na njen vzrok, poreklo, vrsto ali posledico, ki izhaja iz dostopa ali nezmožnosti dostopa do spletne strani, niti ni odgovoren za škodo ali poškodbo kot posledico naslanjanja na informacije, pridobljene prek spletne strani. Uporaba podatkov in/ali informacij na spletni strani je na lastno tveganje in je uporabnikova odgovornost.

Intelektualna lastnina

Nič na spletni strani ni treba razumeti kot podelitev licence ali pravice na katero koli pravico intelektualne lastnine Braun SpA ali skupine podjetij Braun.

Povezave na druge spletne strani

Spletna stran lahko vsebuje povezave ali reference z druge, zunanje spletne strani. Povezave do drugih spletnih strani v tem dokumentu so samo za udobje uporabnika. Braun SpA zavrača kakršno koli odgovornost glede te spletne strani in/ali njihove vsebine. Braun SpA ni odgovoren za kakršno koli škodo ali poškodbo katere koli vrste, bodisi zaradi dostopa ali nezmožnosti dostopa ali uporabe drugih spletnih strani in/ali njihove vsebine bodisi zaradi uporabe ali zanašanja na informacije na drugih spletnih straneh.

Zakon o zasebnosti, veljaven od 30. junija 2003 (št. 196)

Braun SpA bo deloval v skladu z določbami glede zasebnosti, kakor je urejeno v zgoraj omenjenem delu o zasebnosti. Izčrpno izjavo o zasebnosti lahko najdete na domači spletni strani pod naslovom "Zasebnost".
